AimHire Staffing & Recruiting Agency

Do you no longer want to manage the process of hiring an employee? Have you tried everything to find a quality candidate? Do you feel like you just don’t know where to look to find talent? If you are considering another option in hiring staff in Denver, a staffing company may be the solution you are looking for.

What are specific ways a staffing company help me with hiring the right employee?

First, a staffing company knows where to look. Because it is their sole job to find and recruit talent, they are more aware of the pools to fish in for your ideal candidate. They are employee specialists, meaning they know the words the candidates are looking for when searching through thousands of job postings, and how to attract and screen the right ones.

Second, a staffing company has the processes in place. They know how long the normal hiring process takes and they have automated and systemized the process so that you can interview only the top candidate and not waste your time sorting through e-mails, resumes and applications.

Third, a staffing company is objective when hiring an employee. The company or even interviewer may be biased in how fast they want to fill the position, and may allow the urgency or tight schedule to interfere with the process. The staffing company simply reviews candidates and pre-sorts them so the company gets a quality employee rather than a “warm body”.

Fourth, the staffing agency has specific resources. Imagine being able to walk into a mall and find the exact person or people you need to fill the employment vacancy you have. This is what it is like for an employment agency. They have both passive and active candidates in their pool of talent to draw from based on the needs you have. Most employers will not have this type of resource, and will likely be doing all the leg work to make a hire happen.

Fill your calendar with only interviews of the cream of the crop, rather than wasting time posting an employment ad, sorting through responses, handling the back and forth of interview scheduling and spending time on less than ideal clients. Utilize AimHire next time you are hiring an employee to increase success and decrease stress and wasted time.

Why choose AimHire for my hiring or staffing needs?

“Two factors as to why AimHire continually provides placement results rated at 94 percent compared to their competitors at 70 percent: First our customized recruiting process matches the needs of our client’s and second we are the leaders in providing TOP quality candidates quickly that fit the culture and position so you can focus on growing your business.” -  Raissa Chacon, AimHire Managing Partner

AimHire is a Denver based staffing and recruiting agency looking to pair enthusiastic and knowledgeable candidates with quality employers. Contact us today to learn more about our Denver staffing services, how AimHire can support your goals when hiring an employee or to request a candidate.

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