Job seeking could be its own job, and if you are part of this crowd there are several benefits in cleaning up or creating a LinkedIn profile. Here are just a few reasons to work on that profile and help increase your chances of landing the perfect position.

Recruiters can find you easier

Hiring managers are being asked to do more with less and this is driving them to be creative in finding top candidates. LinkedIn has really poised themselves to be used for job seeking with searchable databases, affiliation connections, groups and endorsements. LinkedIn connects people in ways differently than a job board stuffed full of resumes making it a great resource for job seekers and staffing recruiters.

It helps to supplement your resume

Typically your resume will list skills you have relevant to the job vacancy for which you are applying. On LinkedIn, others can endorse you and you can list all your skills, not just the ones right for a specific job. It is more robust and can include awards, publications and even volunteer service that doesn’t make it to your resume. The more information that can be accessed about you puts job seeking in the hands of people looking for you.

It helps to freshen your resume

Many times our resume will become dormant because we aren’t using it. By keeping information up to date on LinkedIn, we can have something to reference quickly if an opportunity arises. A fresh profile also allows employers and recruiters to see if you may be their next employee based on the skills and connections you possess.

It helps you connect to new people or key companies

LinkedIn encourages you, and actually works best, when you make connections to others. They make suggestions based on previous employers and schools. They also have several groups with a variety of topics that allow you to meet and connect with new people, as well as job seeking groups. These connections can open doors to companies you may not have been aware of or have had access to in the past.

It can help you apply easier

Many companies allow you to apply for a position using your LinkedIn profile. A downside of this is that the application may not be customized for the specific position. For example, you may have a decade of recent experience in your field, but the position you are applying for is in a different industry and you don’t appear to qualify. You would want to showcase your two decades of experience in that former industry, and that isn’t as easy with your LinkedIn profile.

Using every possible avenue in your job search, including social media, personal connections and a staffing agency, will help you get to the best jobs faster. AimHire is a Denver employment agency looking to pair enthusiastic and knowledgeable candidates with quality employers. Contact AimHire today to learn more about how a staffing company can support your goals by pairing you with eager employers looking for top talent.

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