It’s done! You’ve finally hired a new employee. Hours spent recruiting, interviewing, discussing, assessing, and choosing has led to your new employee’s first day.

On both sides of the equation, it can be a bit stressful. On the HR side, you are making sure all the paperwork is ready and training is lined up, as well as any workstation, password set-ups and more. On the new hire’s side, they likely have first day jitters and want to learn quickly and get settled in.

For many companies, a new hire checklist is maintained to help with the entire onboarding process, and yet that it often where it ends. Yet, the checklist is only one part of the new hire experience. It leaves out the entire human component- reputation, culture, socialization and even job shadowing. This human side of the equation is what brings in the feelings of warm and welcoming or, cold and not.

Company Reputation and Culture

How a company is seen is an effect of both internal and external reputation. Colleagues and friends discuss everything from trending news and entertainment to internal gossip. At best, they keep conversations light, productive and offer opportunities to help each other develop corporately. How they talk to each other is a matter of culture. Therefore, it is a good idea to have the new hire be trained by and job shadow a person who holds the cultural match to the company.

If your organization doesn’t have this type of person, you may want to consider what kind of culture you are training new hires to experience and how that may need to adjust through training, feedback and improved management.

Ongoing Welcome

Often times, new employees are given a bombardment of training and then aren’t checked with again until a 30-day review, or even later. However, the process of introducing a person to the norms of their workplace, especially if you want them to be comfortable and eager to stay, means a bit more feedback in the beginning. Make a point to check in more regularly with new employees and get to know what their aspirations are. This may mean incorporating a strategic follow up plan for retention.

In addition to a new hire checklist, consider retention standards and interpersonal relationship building. As new graduates are moving into the work environment, this strategy will be key for keeping employee engagement, checking in on morale, and staying abreast of changes in motivation to better meet the needs of the new hire.

The cost of replacement is high, so consider a welcoming experience for new hires, and beyond.

AimHire is a Denver employment agency looking to pair enthusiastic and knowledgeable candidates with quality employers. Contact AimHire today to learn more about how a staffing company can support your goals in attracting, recruiting, hiring and supporting your employment needs.

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