
It makes sense when you really sit down and think about it: Job-seekers who are unemployed do not want to spend money, but they still want to remain active while trying to keep their mind off their situation.

Indeed, being unemployed is one of those things that’s equal parts awesome and terrifying – awesome because, from the outside looking in, it seems as though you have the most revered life (what with being able to sleep in all day if you so choose), and terrifying because money eventually runs out. 

The truth is there will be periods of employment and periods of unemployment in everyone’s life, and no matter what the circumstances are of being without a job, your best option is to always “make the most of it.” 

If you’ve ever thought about how to fill your time with something that doesn't cost money when unemployed, we have a handful of suggestions to keep you “monetarily constructive” during this period.

Walk at a Nearby Park

This activity is good for your mental and physical health, and there are scientific facts that back up the notion that spending time outside – and being active – is beneficial to both adults and children. Further, researchers at Stanford University found that people who walk for 90 minutes in natural settings (that is, not in traffic-laden urban settings) showed “decreased activity in a region of the brain associated with a key factor in depression.” 

Spending time in natural surroundings has also been shown to improve physical health by reducing blood pressure and contributing to longer life spans amongst certain demographics.

Declutter Your Space

Decluttering, or removing unneeded or unwanted goods from your home or office, is not a new concept, but its health benefits have become increasingly recognized – with mental health benefits being the greatest.

Join a Meet-Up Group

Online social networking is a major part of the world we live in, no doubt, but meet-up groups take it one step further by connecting people with shared interests and talents. There is no cost to sign up and depending on the group, you may be able to find shared activities that are free; this also presents an ideal opportunity to network with others.

Check Out Books From the Library

Whether you’re into comics, novels or self-help books, your local library is a great resource. What’s more, reading strengthens our brain power, and a good book can be a constructive way to get your mind off of things.

Watch Online Videos or Webinars Geared Toward Teaching You New Skills, Interview Tactics, Etc.

Online platforms are the most widely-used resources among both teachers and learners, and best of all it’s free! There are a plethora of platforms out there that educate with new skills and inspire your thinking; all you have to do is hop on YouTube, TedTalks and/or The Muse.


Find a local organization that focuses on a sector you’re most interested in – it’s a great way to stay busy, keep your interpersonal skills sharp and ensure your thoughts remain positive.

The aforementioned suggestions for how to fill your time with something that doesn't cost money when unemployed go a long way…if you put your mind to it.

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