job search

Smart job searchers have most likely researched everything there is to know about the fundamentals – resumes, cover letters, interviews and all the other basics.

In 2018 and beyond, however, the really formidable job-hunting magic lies in the intricacies of social media – you know, the platforms you already use in your personal life such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. And sure, while most of you know how to use these platforms in a social sense, we’re here to tell you that they actually hold a great deal of power when it comes to making or breaking your job search.

Fun Fact: Studies have shown that 92% of companies are using social media for hiring, and that three out of four hiring managers will check out a candidate's social profiles. So, how can you tap into the power of social media – while avoiding the pitfalls – to make searching for that perfect job easier? We’ve gathered all the tips you’ll need to use social media to find a job. 

Let People Know You are Looking

While keeping your profiles updated is important and can label you as an influencer in your industry, what happens when you find yourself actively seeking a new vocation and you don't want to make it known (especially to your current manager or boss)? Here are our suggestions for three ways to indicate (subtly) that you’re open to new opportunities:

Optimize Your Keywords - When you first landed your current job and updated your social platforms with a new title, you probably didn’t give much thought to your profile’s “searchability;” now, you want a fleshed-out profile that will help your name pop up during any industry-related searches.
Define Your Long-Term Goals - Go ahead and include a sentence or two about what you see for your professional future.
Leave a Clear Path for Hiring Managers to Contact You - Without blatantly advertising the fact that you’re looking to leave your current gig, give other employers the “green light” to reach out to you with information about job openings.

Find Information About Hiring Managers

Through platforms like LinkedIn, you can reach a hiring manager directly and forget those automated recruiting systems; you have a much better chance at getting an interview by going the direct route and reaching out to your future boss than by lobbing resumes and applications into confidence-sucking automated recruiting sites.

Identify Trends and Topics

Following companies provides you information about the brands and also reveals trends and hot topics across an industry. Believe us when we say you want to be aware of these patterns and discuss them in your networking and interviewing, so you come across as a candidate who is truly “in the loop.”

Get Your "Personal Branding" Down Pat

Beyond using a consistent name and photo, you should exude a consistent “brand” across your social platforms – you want people to know who you are, what you do and where you’re heading. 

Add Links to Your Resume and Email Signature

This one is self-explanatory; place links to your social accounts in your email signature, resume and personal website if you have one.

Be Engaged and Join the Conversation

Follow companies in your field on LinkedIn and Twitter so you’re automatically notified about job openings and more. 

Knowing that some 65-percent of employers hire from social platforms should get you motivated to use social media to find a job…and land the one you have always wanted.

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